Jenn’s Blog: What is Adrenal Insufficiency?

Adrenal Insufficiency in maternal pituitary conditions is caused by a deficiency of the hormone ACTH. This stands for Adreno-Cortico-Trophic Hormone, which is normally released by the pituitary gland.

When these ACTH pituitary gland cells are damaged, the hormonal feedback loop, called the Hypothalamic – Pituitary – Adrenal Axis (HPA) stops working as it should. This means it can no longer regulate the amount of cortisol in the body.

Cortisol is a steroid hormone, which is released by your adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are found on top of your kidneys. Cortisol is essential for life and is used in every cell of your body.

The HPA feedback loop is broken when ACTH cells in your pituitary gland are damaged. This might mean you release less ACTH or none. This means the adrenal glands are not stimulated to release enough cortisol.

Because there’s not an ACTH replacement medication, we are prescribed a glucocorticoid replacement, such as Hydrocortisone. This replaces the cortisol we need to stay alive and for our bodies to function day-to-day. If we become unwell or have a shock or accident, our bodies will need more cortisol than provided by the daily steroid replacement dose.


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