Lisa tells us how a diagnosis of two rare diseases has impacted her life
My name is Lisa and I live in Leeds. I am 42 years old and have a five-year old daughter. I gave birth to my daughter on Wednesday 5th June 2019. I had a normal pregnancy but shortly after giving birth to my daughter, I was diagnosed with Sheehan's Syndrome. Around five weeks later, I was readmitted to hospital due to a further bleed and was diagnosed with Asherman's Syndrome. Due to the syndromes, I am no longer able to conceive.
I am regularly asked: "Are you having any more children?", "When are you thinking of having another child?". This causes me great stress and upset. My husband and I always planned to have three children but this has been taken away from us. However, I do always look at our daughter and find comfort, despite the life changing events.
I try everyday to move on with my life but the tablets, the regular hospital visits and the ongoing anxiety I have, make this very difficult. I have adjusted to saying to people that: "One child is enough for us" but it is a lie. However, explaining the complexity of the rare disease, Sheehan's Syndrome, is just too much for me to face every day.
Life has dramatically changed and is a lot more complex, challenging and stressful but I have my daughter and that is my source of comfort.